Peels & Jensen
This WP explores how a society can leverage its cultural capabilities to generate and communicate shared ideas of what challenges a crisis poses to open societies and what responses are appropriate. This WP will investigate crisis narratives from 1800 to the present day, on (trans)national and local levels, in various situations and crisis events. We seek to understand what narratives emerge in the face of different events, at different points in time, and among different groups, and how these separately and jointly affect societal outcomes through their cognitive and affective dimensions.
This WP is divided into five sub-packages:
1.1 Mapping and understanding crisis stories: Building a historical and analytical archive
PI: Beatrice de Graaf, Lotte Jensen, Rik Peels
AI: Ozan Ozavci
1.2 Dealing with uncertainty and devising belief policies: Epistemic dimensions of crises
PI: Rik Peels
AI: Scott Douglas, Anne Meylan
1.3 Coping with fear and generating solidarity: Affective dimensions of crises
PI: Lotte Jensen, Ellen Giebels
AI: Anneke Sools
1.4 How history can help: Applying historical narratives in times of disruption
PI: Lotte Jensen, Arjen Boin
AI: Scott Douglas, Bjorn Wansink
1.5 Making sense of future crises: Narratives, scenarios and focused imagination in crisis governance
PI: Lotte Jensen, Arjen Boin
AI: Marjolijn Haasnoot